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The sign outside our family home reads, ‘The Four Moons - Strathroy 2021’.

Our new home.  

The dream of starting our own business began years back.  While living in Ottawa, a conversation after dinner lead to a creative brainstorm.  As with many dreams, our idea was very exciting.  It began to consume our thoughts.  This idea followed us everywhere.  Daily conversation was put to paper as we continued our everyday lives.  As parents we built on our strengths as coaches and leaders, as well as active participants in life’s great game.  We challenged each other, and aimed to bring out the best in everyone around us.  While our passion for bringing this business to life was strong, we struggled to make it real; to make it tangible.  A year passed.  Kids were growing.  Another work function, training session, gig or meet.  Two years passed.  Home schooling, professional commitments; struggles….   

2020 changed the game for everyone.  We chose to make it for the better.

We all have that choice, though it’s not always easy.  A cancelled wedding and a myriad of life alterations could have been a death knell.

Things were uncertain, and certainly challenging.  For us it meant it was truly time to clean up, dress up and show up.  Time to explore the possibilities that we had started to share with each other years ago.  There it was.  Pure and true to our hearts. Not an easy decision, to be certain, but the best ones seldom are.  Family, friends, work, community….  We had built our Ottawa world for 12 years.  How do we just leave that?  How do we leave home?

Plant the seed.

We have always tried to foster the growth of love and support in our families and our communities.  Our enormous family stepped in.  They championed our idea.  They helped in the creative process. Everyone we love jumped in to mold our dream. It’s a big family we have.  A lot of strong and loving sisters and brothers, from more dads and moms than we can count.  That is a great blessing.

We feel incredibly privileged to be able to now call Strathroy home.  Having grown up in Southern Ontario, it feels comfortable and welcoming to be here.  It’s a great town.  Lovely, inviting, welcoming…  A perfect place to raise our children and be present.

An incredible home with a beautiful gym space.

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